Facts and Stats

Clear, concise, and easy to use. HIO Fact Sheets provide Ottawa-specific statistics about the changing nature of our local population and labour market, and the vital role of immigration as a source of skilled labour.

Ottawa’s Highly Educated Immigrants

Among Canadian cities, Ottawa ranks first in terms of the percentage of the labour force with a university degree. In fact, Ottawa’s labour force includes 361,000 individuals with a post-secondary certificate, diploma or degree, representing 70% of the total. It’s an enviable advantage for local employers seeking top talent.Ottawa’s Highly Educated Immigrants

Ottawa Attracts Skilled Immigrants

Over the next 10 years, Ottawa is projected to receive between 60,000 and 70,000 immigrants. These immigrants will come from a variety of countries around the globe, and will represent an incredibly rich and diverse set of cultures, languages, skills and experiences. They will constitute an impressive pool of new and diverse talent. Ottawa Attracts Skilled Immigrants

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