#ImmigrantsWork Campaign: Key Themes from the Launch

On May 21, 2020, over 100 contributors joined the launch of the #ImmigrantsWork campaign through a Twitter chat. The #ImmigrantsWork campaign aims to raise awareness of the meaningful contributions immigrants have made to the Canadian economy, as well as their continued impact in Canada’s recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic. The launch convened influential voices on … Read More

#ImmigrantsWork: Building Immigrant Inclusion into Business Recovery Plans

Hire Immigrants Ottawa (HIO), with partners across the country, is excited to launch the #ImmigrantsWork campaign. Leveraging the collective voice of a national coalition, we are excited to share stories, resources, and a collection of tools to support rebuilding Canadian businesses with a focus on immigrant* integration. We have heard this endlessly: we are in … Read More

Fostering Workplace Inclusion during COVID-19

We are living in uncertain times. The increasing impact of the coronavirus (COVID-19) has affected every facet of social and economic life across the world in a scale never seen before. Organizations are implementing alternative arrangements, including for employees to work remotely as part of global efforts to mitigate the spread of the virus, as … Read More

Perfect can be the Enemy of Good, as we build inclusive workplaces.

We all want to do the right thing. In a workplace, this drive is even more intense. No one wants to say the wrong thing or offend a colleague. However, a fear of failure or taking a misstep can stop you from even getting started in the first place. Hire Immigrants Ottawa has engaged with … Read More

Think Global, Act Local – Harnessing Immigrant Talent can help Ottawa Businesses Address Biggest Challenges

The 2018 Ottawa Business Growth Survey revealed that employers are optimistic about the future of their businesses and have confidence in the local economy going forward. More than two in five respondents say their organization plans to recruit new employees over the next year. However, Ottawa businesses have consistently identified that finding skilled workers, attracting … Read More

Everyday Acts of Inclusion

Diversity drives organizational success. However, success is only achieved when everyone feels included and can contribute to their full potential. Despite the evidence that leveraging the strength of a diverse team comes from building an inclusive work culture, many organizations struggle to create welcoming and truly inclusive workplace cultures. Organizational culture is deeply ingrained. It … Read More

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